Anatomical Venus scarf

Collaboration with Logandria—Illustrator & silk scarf siren

The Anatomical Venus is a medical & artistic marvel—a life-size wax woman with dissectible, anatomically correct layers that fit together in perfect puzzle pieces. She was created in Florence Italy in 1790 to teach the public about anatomy & was intended to be the Venus of science on the Grand Tour. While the Venus is miraculous in her precision & artistry, it is her paradox that has enthralled audiences for centuries. She occupies the liminal space between art & medicine, science & religion, natural & artificial, macabre & sensuous, ethereal & deeply embodied.

Much like the Anatomical Venus, whose layers reveal more together than apart, this scarf is intended to be a paradoxical puzzle for you to piece together. There are two sonnets scattered across the scarf: one in the voice of the Venus’ creator & one in the voice of the Venus herself.

All details are inspired by the teachings of Joanna Ebenstein of Morbid Anatomy, who (literally) wrote the book on the Anatomical Venus.

Photo credit: Logan Spector

Constructing Artificialia

Look at her—god—isn’t she becoming?

This maid I’ve made, adorned with flaxen hair

from my late wife with ropes of pearls running

across her perfect breasts. Waxen & fair—

her skin as incorruptible as saints—

she mouths holy words—angelic, eerie—

the ecstasy of known & knowing paints

her lips. She’s our unliving reliquary

to house the wisdom of the palette knife

& scalpel—show us gods’ design—transplant

our faith & organize the organ soup in life-

size pleasing puzzle pieces to enchant

the people’s minds. She is a map of man

& through her body helps us understand.

Dissecting Naturalia

Look at me—I am my own becoming.

Don’t take your eyes away from me—I’m made

for you—a teachable moment, succumbing

to questing hands & in your gazes flayed.

At times I am the moon taken apart

in bites. My coffin chest unhinged—displaced

beside my crown of stolen curls—my heart

threaded with wedding rings, organs defaced

with hollow threads & words. The archaic

but human need for beauty—carved cameo

from hills of unstitched, rotting men mosaiced

into the gravestone of my face. Long ago,

their lives gave way to mine—Unfathered Venus,

who turns the profane into perfect genius.